Monday, October 1, 2012

Day 1

 wahoo its finally here! 31 days of Halloween Smeared and Smudged style! today is day one! so be sure to start at the beginning so you don't miss any of the Awesomeness!!! there is a big list so I'll try to keep it short and sweet!
here is what I made a lil bit ago for a Halloween decoration swap...this was given to my Canadian friend Karen.

he started as just a regular lil yellow rubber duck...and now look at him! he thinks he's a raven :) I stamped images from the Smeared Ink Quoth the raven set on some tissue paper then glued it on my orange painted duck...painted his beak black and added a ribbon and some jewels for eyes...I love how it turned out and I hope Karen does as well!

have fun on your hop and I'll "see ya" tomorrow
the list of all the hoppers is on the side bar ------> your next stop is the lovely Alison


Pam S. said...

What a great gift swap. I love to re-purpose items and now you have just opened up a whole new playing field in my crazy mind. Thank you for sharing.

Candace Jedrowicz said...

Cutecutecute! Happy 1st day of the blog hop!

Alexandra Lundgren said...

Oh Kapree, he is wonderful!!! What a creative vision.

happyscrapper said...

This is so creative. Your swap person is going to be thrilled.
Chrostine said...

how adorable. wonderful idea! happy day the duck!
susan s.

Steph said...

Fab idea to alter a lil duck, and I'll bet he's so happy as a raven :) Love it!

KristyLee said...

Oh Kapree, what a neto idea! I love that you placed the raven wings where the ducks wings would have been. and that you paint his beak black! Add the raven on his head! This is a super great project, Im so sure Karen will love it! If not she can send it to me LOL! Love your idea! this turned out great!

Unknown said...

he's really cute
a perfect halloween ornament
and its a great way to use a rubber duck that you no longer need I would never have thought of that
carolyn h

Celeste said...

My sister collects yellow rubber ducks, she would love one of these "odd ducks." LOL! Love him!

Regina said...

OMGOSH..this just quacked me up!! (sorry...couldn't resist) I love this...such an imagination you have and what awesome inspiration you give!!


~Lady B~ said...

I didn't know it was possible for a project to be both bad-ass and cute at the same time, but yours is! I think ducky is MUCH happier as a raven! Super creative. I love him!!!

xfilekc said...

Karen here and I do LOVE my duckie. So do my friends and co-workers. Truly an original idea.

Alison said...

What a fabulous duckie!!! Love the red rhinestones!

Kelli Green aka Cajunstampingqueen said...

Cute duckie!!!!

silvia said...

I LOVE your altered duck!!! He's cuuuute!!!

Sharon Sahl said...

Duckie just knew how cool it would be to be a raven at Halloween and how right he was. So creative!!

Monique's art said...

aaawwww this is sooooo cute, brilliant idea

Unknown said...

Love your altered duck he is fantastic
Hugs xxx

Dieverdog said...

Such a great idea to transform a rubber duck into a raven for halloween! Super creative! He looks very happy being a raven, too! Love his sad eyes!

Y.C said...

Cute little evil duck!

Julia said...

Wow, this is so much fun. love the idea of the regular yellow ducky thinking he is a raven. Great job.

Unknown said...

I want a ducky!! Very very cute!! said...

love it!

bonniebluedenim said...

cute EA Poe duck! great idea!

ScrappingBeauty said...

quack quack! Love the nevermore duck!

DonnaMundinger said...

Too cute and so original. Gave me a giggle. xxD

Leigh S-B - The Sharpie Domino Queen said...

Hello Kapree! Haha, I love your spooky ducky. I bet Poe didn't see that one coming ;0)

Lindsay Craftymonster81 said...

Oh fabby, this little duck is so cool love him
Lindsay xx

ldfdesign said...

great idea! he looks so much better then what he started out as!

ike said...

Ooooh - fabulous Ducky/Raven - he is gorgeous :-D xxx

Sara a.k.a. Eternal Princess Ryan said...

Your Ducky is so cool! I love all the stamped images on him! How is Millicent? You Rock and Hugs!

Laura Coral said...

JAJAJA!! omg, I love this little ducky! Its so cute