Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Smeared and Smudged day 3

welcome to day 3!!! My baby is sick so this is going to be short

this card is all digital, the image is from Sassy Studios. the papers were free online...I'll post more details tomorrow. don't forget to check out all the other creations the list is on the side --->

sorry I was in such a rush when I posted this, but my image was colored in gimp, and my papers and all the embellishments is from a kit I got for free online from, it was all put together using My Memories Suite digital software program.


LisaVeronica said...

Oh, sassy! lovely card. hope the baby gets better soon.

Pam S. said...

OK. Love the card and have never understood the digital thing but it looks amazing. I guess I will have to do some research. Thank you for sharing a great idea.

Steph said...

Beautiful card, love that image. Hope your baby feels better soon!

Unknown said...

great card
hope your baby feels better soon
carolyn h

silvia said...

Pretty card!!
Hugs and hope your little one feels better soon :)

Sara a.k.a. Eternal Princess Ryan said...

Your card is beautiful Kapree! I love that image and you did an awesome job with the layout! Hugs!

Celeste said...

Hug the baby :-)
Great card! Love that image. Thanks for sharing.

Candace Jedrowicz said...

Oh dear. I hope the baby feels better soon. That's not an easy thing.
Your card is just lovely!

DonnaMundinger said...

Great digi work. Love the layout. Hope your sweet baby feels better soon. xxD

~Lady B~ said...

Your card is fabulous! Great digi work and awesome card design! said...

wonderful card..hope your baby is well soon
susan s.

Unknown said...

Love your card cool image
Hugs xxx

Gloria said...

love your card. the purple and white is so inviting. like the finished touch of a black ribbon.

Monique's art said...

very beautiful, love the clours

Shelley said...

beautiful card I hope your baby gets better soon xx

Julia said...

Reallyy beautiful card, and so dark at the same time.
Lovely coloring of the image.

Sharon Sahl said...

Very elegant treatment of the lady in the mask - cute stamp, BTW. Hope your baby is feeling better this evening.

Regina said...'s a beautiful card. Cant'wait to see more details about how you made it.

Sending feel better thoughts for your wee one.

Happy Hauntings,
Regi ^_^

ScrappingBeauty said...

really petty digi the color choices

ike said...

Gorgeous - I love that trick or treat font too. Is it a cut-out or you done it by hand ? xxxx

Laura Coral said...

Great card!!! I love it

Dieverdog said...

Oooh, she's fabulous! Love that stamp and great treatment of the background.