Today is the beginning of another challenge week at the
Smudgy Antics blog
and you'll defiantly want to check it out, there have been some updates...
the challenge this week is called "Dear Heart"
and here is my creation

I used the "just-one" grumpie and made him all digital and awesome! I used the sketch from
My time made easybe sure to enter this challenge for yourself and invite your friends to do the same!
now onto my news...

as you may have noticed I have been doing allot of digital projects lately...the reason for this is because I won a giveaway and my prize was
MyMemories Suite Software!!!! I saw that Terra and Sugar also had this software and I hope they are loving it like me...this is how I have been making my digital cards lately, there are so many tutorials it made it super easy to get started...and the fact that I can export them to jpeg files and share them with my family...and you guys...its just awesome! I already have some baby announcements made, and I'm planning on making my Christmas cards this way too, before I received this software I was just going to take my baby pics to Walmart and have them do it...but I like this so much better! its so much more personal, and with all the free digital papers and kits that are out there it makes it that much easier (yes the majority of my digital papers were free, I think the only ones I bought are from Susan's Crafty Chaos) I also just found out that you can add video and sound to your projects...this will be great when making those baby scrapbook pages to send to grandma, and have a lil video of her cooing or her first steps...oh I'm so excited!
I was given two of these softwares, one for me and one to give away. All you have to do is -become a follower of one of these three sites:
Twitter-and visit and tell me your fave paper pack
-I'll pick a winner in one week...11/21/11
if by chance you don't win, or you can't wait you can copy and paste this code (anytime) and receive a $10 discount (feel free to share this code with your friends)
good luck!