Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Bombshell May Blog hop

Today is the bombshell hump day hop and the theme is May Celebrations...what we were to do is to pick a holiday that is celebrated in May...there are allot to choose from
and on May 18th it was No dirty Dishes day so I have created a page inspired by that....
that flower is created by plastic spoons...plastic spoons = no dirty dishes :)
 I melted them over a candle and formed them into a flower...this was my first attempt and I don't think it turned out so bad...I did spray paint it black because I burned it a few times...but thats ok I probably was going to make it black anyways :)
the page is a two pocket album page I found the how to on youtube, it was some patterend paper that I didn't like but after some crackel paint and acrylic paint it turned out pretty cool. I stamped my bombshell and colored and cut her out, then stamped the word heartbreaker right on my page, and made two tags to go inside my pocket....

wadda ya think? kinda cool huh?
hopefully my next spoon flower will be better and there will be a next as it was kinda fun to make
no go check out the rest of the Gals! here is the list

 Celebrations of May blog hop list
Mary G. :


  1. I think it's very cool! I love the tags from the pockets!

  2. I couldn't help but smirk when I realized the flower was spoons. Excellent for your holiday.

  3. Melted spoons...who'd a guessed? They look FAB! You would fit in well at the "labora-Torrey".

    Mwa ha ha ha ha.

  4. Great card! I really like the spoon flower!

  5. Pretty card! Definately am lovin' the spoon flower!

  6. So unusual and love the whole idea very creative my friend
    hugs June x

  7. How freakin cleaver is that flower!!! I may have to celebrate no dirty dishes day all year!!! LOL
