Tuesday, August 10, 2010

S&S hidden hop

here is my card for the Smeared and Smudged Hidden hop...this is my first hop ever so I sure hope I do everthing right...sorry if I messed up...but I'm glad my first time was with smeared and smudged ;) this is the coolest network I have ever been in evryone is so nice and dark and creepy I love it! They are all about crafting and my favorite part of it...STAMPS S&S specialize in the edgy, wild, distinct, and fun! check them out...after the hop of course...
...I did a creepy house getting myself ready for Halloween (what am I talking about...I'm always ready) :) and when you pull the roof....

it becomes a haunted house!!! YAY so fun!

now "hop" over to Sugar's blog and see what she has hiddin for ya!

here is the list if you get lost...or if you started here go to terra's blog...she is the master mind behind all things S&S...



  1. AWESOME!!!!!!!! Totally love that you can pull the house apart! Awesome job on the theme! So very happy that you could hop along with us this month!!!!!!!!

  2. WOW! All I can say is too freakin' cool! I am so in love with this! OMG! I must give this a try!!! I love it! Great job...thanks for hopping!

  3. Awesome card!! Love your hidden element!! So glad you joined us in the hop!!

  4. card looks like as much fun was had making it as is going to be had playing with it. I love that house.

  5. Bad Ass!!! and so clever!! Thanks for joining us!!

    Crafty Hugs!


  6. freakin fantastic i totally love it...hugs Anita

  7. AWESOME!! I love your hidden haunted house and I also love the round "world" yard (<-----I make up my own style names). I also think it's awesome that we popped your blog hop cherry!!! You did fabulously - So glad you joined S&S :)

  8. YEAH!!!!THIS ROCKS!! So cool, it reminds me of Monster House. Love everything about it, especially the eyeballs that are hidden under the roof!

  9. Kapree, this is awesome!!! It's such a cool house and I LOVE your hidden objects! Awesome job! Thank you for joining the hop!

  10. too creative!!
    Love the hidden skeley

  11. Thanks for the birthday wish and entering my candy! I do hope you can follow and leave my name in a comment over at Stamping Vacation...I need all the support I can get!
    I also wanted to say the roof idea on your card is really neat!!
    Take care!
