Saturday, August 21, 2010

ovals suck!

here is my card for the S&S oh the horror challenge (color inspiration) and the Midnight Madness sketch challenge... I know it was suppose to be an oval and not a circle but UGH I tried and tried to make an oval and just couldn't and who woulda known that I don't have a single thing in my house with an oval shape to trace!!!! I hope this works...I'll go hunt at my mother-in-law's for an oval and try this sketch again...


  1. KC now don't be stressing over the "Ovals" know that each sketch is your own interpretation my dear!!! The MMSC police are not going to come and take you to the slammer because you did a circle!!! lol I love your card. I think that image is fantastic. I love the black and blues together. How come I didn't see this over at the Haunted House Designs??? lol Great job with the sketch this week. Thank you so much for playing along with the Midnight Madness Sketch Challenge.

    Bear Hugs,
    Carol :O}
    Midnight Madness Design Team

  2. KC, what a really coool card. LOVE the image and your choice of colors. I don't know if you can trust Carol not to report to Priscilla about your oval as she's been known to make false reports and have stampers put in the dungeon. She seems innocent, but one never knows, do they??? Just kidding - Carol is awesome and if she says you won't go to the slammer, then I would believe her. Awesome take on the sketch!!

    Thanks SO MUCH for joining the Midnight Madness Sketch Challenge and we hope you can come share your talent with us again next week!


  3. Hello KC - I am loving this card - your image is divine and the colours give it a fabulous feel! Gorgeous texture too - Your circle works well too KC - there are no worries there - the only thing to worry about is Pam! LOL! What a girl!! LOL! Love it! Thanks for being part of the Midnight Madness Sketch Challenge this week, we love to see you.....and hope to see you next week! {{{hugs}}}
    Linda MMSC Design Team
