Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Day 7

DAY 7 of 31 days of Halloween hosted by
The full blog roll is on my side bar where it shall remain all month long.
Today's page is based off of the MST3K Werewolf 
if you don't know what MST3K is it stands for Mystery Science Theater 3000, it was a television comedy series from the late 90's...the guys at the bottom are forced to watch B-movies and they talk during the whole movie, making jokes and making fun of the movie's flaws and it just makes these old movies so funny! This one was about the movie Werewolf...so funny, but it was suppose to be a horror movie...I donno but I just love it....have you guys seen any MST3K? whats your fave?

So my werewolf image came from Smeared Ink's digi set "part of the pack"
and over at Smeared and Smudged there is a Rock n Rolla challenge where you create something based of a music video, and this month its MJ's Thriller! so I'm going to enter my page there!


  1. I think I have seen that show. don't remember the movies, though. Great page. Love how the little people in front look like they're viewing the big screen. xxD

  2. This is great! We used to watch MST3K religiously and laugh uproariously!

  3. Thank you for explaining the MST3K. First I have heard of it. Then again, I don't watch TV. :( She is gross and That is a really cool row of seats you put at the bottom, following right along with your theme!!

  4. Someone else watches this!! I am so excited! My fav is the one with Steve Reeves from the 50's in a woman dominated world but it is funny without the comments from the MST3000 team! But to you project...awesome werewoman...goes with my movie too! Really enjoyed this whole blog and project! Fantastic!

  5. I know someone who would love this project since it features Mystery Science Theater 300. Fabulous take on the show.

  6. I still watch that and Svenghoolie whenever I can.
    Love the sudience at the bottom of the card.

  7. Gosh I remember that show, not thought about it in ages! This is a perfect homage. Love your scene and image, colored wonderfully!~kim

  8. oh look it's my daughter screaming at me

  9. Oh that's fabulous! I've not heard of the show but do love the concept - sounds very funny! Love your colouring and great page for today! x

  10. Love the people watching the movie...Super image from SI. Great moon!

  11. Fab piece and image. Little bit scared about the idea of werewolf's.

  12. Oh my gosh I used to love MST! Love this project and their little silhouettes on the bottom.

  13. Totally remember and unfortunately still watch!! My fave is a really awful one located in the woods where lots of people loose their heads to an axe and come back as ghosts. Yup. love it kapree!!
