Saturday, October 4, 2014

Day 4

  DAY 4 of 31 days of Halloween hosted by
The full blog roll is on my side bar where it shall remain all month long.
Details of prizes, rules etc can be found HERE.
today I had to go to work and I got behind so there is no AJ movie page...not that I didn't watch a movie...I just don't have the images I needed...I'll finish it up and show ya no worries...but I made a digital page instead!
I used the Gothic fairy Honey and the Cranium papers from Smeared Ink, oh and the sketch from the Very Sketchy challenge for the month of October!


  1. She's my favourite goth fairy! I love your take on the sketch, fab skully background! xx

  2. Awesome! Love,love the fairy and you make her pop with your great coloring of her! Nice layout great project!

    Love the fairy! Your coloring of her makes her pop! Great layout and background too! Awesome job!

  3. Love the Goth Fairy...she's very quirky and great background!

  4. A lovely goth fairy, great colours and wonderful papers.
    The Nanny x

  5. I have never liked gold, but you make it work so perfectly. Good color

  6. I thought perhaps you were showing us how you dress for these horror flicks!

    You have again impressed me today.

  7. Great design and I love the colors you chose! Fab sentiment, too. xxD

  8. Fab digi work! I LOVE the sentiment!

  9. You may have inspired me to spend some money in the Smeared Ink store--goshdarn ya! The Gothic Fairy is so cool, and your digital coloring of her is perfect!

  10. Love SI's goth fairies and yours is Bootiful! Fab job on colour choices and card layout!

  11. Awesome page she is an awesome fairy! Beautiful colors! I will back to learn more how to make one! Thanks so much for sharing when you are so busy!~kim

  12. Great digital page - love all the elements!

  13. Love the colors and composition of this piece.

  14. Awww she is cute! Love the colors.

  15. Fabulous digital page. Love the colors and patterns.

  16. Love how you put her in a purple and black cross. Also love how you have Halloween is not a holiday on your pics! Right on!
