Monday, November 25, 2013

Anything goes love and hate

this is the beginning of the second week of Anything goes over at Smudgy Antics! such an easy challenge...I love it!
today is also the release of a few new Smeared Ink digi stamp of them is the Fringe set and that is where my digi image came from
isn't it rad? I added the "love and hate" senti part to it and colored it up in browns and then took some coffee dyed paper and some black and layered it all up and there I have it!

I followed the sketch at Digi Sketch Challenge


  1. love the skulls and the torn look.thank you very much for joining in with us at digi sketch and good luck

  2. I love the layout of this card. Torn edges made the card. Great image.

  3. This is great, thanks so much for playing along at Digi Sketch Challenge.

    Kelyl x

  4. Awesome w/ the dyed paper. Love the feel of this and can't wait to play w/ the new images.

  5. LOVE the subtle coloring on the digi, and the coffee paper is awesome!
