Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Millicent Michele

She’s here! I had my beautiful baby girl a week ago today…almost to the hour :)

She was 7 lb 5 oz 21 inches long…she was born at 7:43 PM

I had to have a c-section…they thought she was going to be bigger…and I had allot of amniotic fluid so they tried to start me and after 24 hrs they asked if I wanted to start over and do another 24 hrs or just do a c-section…I chose not to wait! So she wasn’t as big as they thought…but I’m still glad she is here! She is so sweet! So much dark hair…just like her mommy and daddy :)

I am so happy right now she is so perfect…well except at 3 in the morning…but I’ll get by :S she is sleeping right now and I think I’m going to go do the same thing….so dead tired! Thanks for all the well wishes I’ll try to post again soon…but ya never know!

Much love! MWAH

Kapree and Millicent

PS these pics wont stay up long...I have problems with pics online


  1. Milicent is absolutely adorable! What a sweet little girl! Hope you are both getting some rest. I had a c-section with my daughter, too. Hope you are recovering quickly.

  2. Oh, she's beautiful! Thank you for sharing some pictures. Try to rest when you can. I had to have c-sections with both of my kids. Huge hugs to you!

  3. Thank you for sharing your gorgeous pictures! I totally understand the pics online issue. Millie is a doll! i am so happy for you and your family!

  4. Precious perfection! Thanks for sharing some pics. She was so worth the wait!
    Take care!

  5. Oh Kapree, Millicent is sooo very pretty! She reminds me a bit of my oldest daughter. My son and my youngest daughter had FULL full heads of hair. In fact I had to cut Amanda's "bangs" basically at about 4 weeks old as they were already getting in her eyes. The really funny thing is i had "heartburn" with all 3 (it is a myth, really about that meaning hairy, it is because of your stomach being smooched way up high) but it was like 10 times worse with Amanda. LOL

    I hope Millicent gets into a nice routine with you soon, and that she will at least start sleeping for 6 hours straight at night time for you fairly soon.

    I just best she is GRANDMA's little pumpkin, and getting spoiled and cooed over all the time!
    much love, health and happiness for your little angel!

    I'd love to know if there is anything you would like for her or need for her that you didn't get. or didn't get enough of.

    love n light,

  6. I dont like babies ...but i'll make an exception for Millicent... see's a beauty Kapree, just like her mum..... all my love always to you and your family. Auntie BD xxx

  7. Oh, she's so beautiful. What a little sweetie. :-) I know you're a crafting Mum but I DO hope you didn't 'stick' that little bow on too much hahahahahaaha !!!

  8. She is beautiful Kapree take care of yourself. Big hug to Millie
    Lots of Love
    Jane xxxx

  9. She is BEAUTIFUL!!! You are right to sleep when she is. ALWAYS sleep when she is, no matter what housework, etc., etc., etc. That is just a rule!! :)
    AND- take all the time with her you can. Do NOT worry about us, or the blog, or......
    Lots of hugs to all 3 of you!!!

  10. AH Kapree she's beautiful! Congrats to your family on this new little blessing. How cute her little pose is in her pumpkin outfit :)

  11. Kapree, you have every right to feel proud. She's gorgeous

  12. Glad I caught these while they're still up! She is absolutely darling in her little pumpkin suit! Congratulations!! And be sure to keep sleeping when she's asleep

  13. Oh Kapree Millicent is beautiful! and you do right to sleep when she does.... didn't you know.... that's the rules !!!
    Take it easy Kapree, only rest and cuddles with Millicent for now :)
    Lots of Love to you both xxx

  14. awwww!!!!! you did such a great job! she's beatuiful!!!!! i'm sorry you had to have a c-section (i had 2 and they sux) feel better soon and enjoy your little one!!!! she's wonderful!

  15. OOHHHH!!!! She is the most precious thing EVER!!!! Well done, Mama! xxD
