Sunday, December 5, 2010

Day 3 Angel tag

hello all...welcome back...
this post is going to be short I'll try to write more tomorrow its like 2am and I have to go to thanksgiving tomorrow with my fam...ya its late I know...but enough of that...
here is a tag I made with the Smeared Ink's Symbology of Angels set, I embossed green paper, inked it in brown and sanded it, then sprayed it with glimmer mist...just the goldish one...and then let that dry, printed out a snipit of Hark the Harold angels and inked that all up and got it glimmer misted, I then stamped my image with stayzon ink onto some plastic I cut off of an old DVD case (ours are all in big 300 CD books...better storage and organization) any who... I stamped that and let it dry I then went and made a dolop of hot glue and stuck my Prase image into it (idea I saw on Terra's blog) I then painted it a bronze color....stuck everything together...added some eyelets and there I have a pretty snazy tag.....
be sure to check out the other blogs on this Jolly hop.....all the links are on my sidebar....see ya in a few.....Oh and I don't know if you know this but every day of the week someone on the design team will have something for you to see...Sunday is my day...just a lil FYI for ya....k see ya later...


  1. ahoy....i want that copper color. the eyelets srt off perfectly and the musical notes make me want to sing Har the herald....


  2. you do have a snazy tag! i love the colors! it's so pretty and touchable! great job!

  3. This is really cool! I love all of the different techniques that you used. Enjoy your "late" Thanksgiving!

  4. WOW! Very cool! Love the different techniques you used. xxD

  5. FABULOUS! Great colors and I love the way the gold shows up here.

  6. I love your tag the colours are fantastic they show of the image to perfection
    Luv Jane xxx

  7. Gorgeous and loads of texture. Want to touch it but feel a bit like I can. TFS, Paula

  8. The music sheet adds the perfect touch here

  9. I'm lovin all the textures you've created! Way cool idea to paint the hot glue too, now i'm going to have to figure out where my glue gun is hidden.

  10. omgoodness Kapree!!! this is STUNNING!!! i love everything about it but that Praise "seal" (it reminds me of the old school wax seal) is fierce!!

    wtg girl!!


  11. Absolutely gorgeous tag! I love the metal-ness of it & the Praise looks molten. So cool!
